‘Waiting Up’ comes from the mind of the genre-bending, Chicago-based musician, Glded. Just the opening seconds are enough to demonstrate his unique approach: subtle, noisy soundscapes buzz away in the background alongside a crisp, clean guitar, while the melodic focus shifts between a Bon Iver-esque vocal and the twang of a slide guitar. He explains that the track is “about quelling noisy thoughts before getting to sleep. When I wrote the song, I was travelling between time zones on a weekly basis, which had a pretty negative effect on my sleep schedule - both late nights and early mornings. When you wake up the next day, everything seems much more manageable. But until then, it can be a battle to quiet a restless mind.” This is the first tune from his upcoming Moraine EP, which was inspired by his travels across Iceland and Patagonia. -Dan Peeke
